1kg pork belly without bones and rind
30g pickling salt 0.5g marjoram 1g caraway 3g garlic granules, preferably self-dried granules (or very good from the herb store), alternatively 3 cloves very finely chopped 2g black peppercorns 0.5g fennel 0.5g juniper berries 3g paprika noble sweet (optional) 0.5g mustard seed 3g sugar 0.25g bay leaf
40g smoked chips, watered (depending on the oven)
Mortar the spices or put them in the grinder (new German for electric coffee grinder) and massage them thoroughly into the meat. Vacuum seal the bacon and place in the refrigerator for 8 days - 3 weeks. Turns occasionally when the so-called mother liquor forms.
Wash the spices thoroughly under running water. If you like the bacon milder, put it in water for about 1 hour afterwards. I didn't. The bacon is very mild.
Dry the bacon thoroughly and hang it on a hook or string in a non-heated room (shouldn't be too heavy in the winter of 2022) for a few hours. The belly should be a lot firmer now than when fresh. If you can't hang it, put it on a grid, that works too.
Smoke in an electric smoker according to instructions for the oven. In my case, lying down, 60 degrees, about 2 hours. After about 10 minutes, release the smoke, which of course contains most of the moisture.
Most of us, of course, want to taste right away. You're welcome to it, but 1 day of rest in the fridge won't hurt.
The bacon can be sliced super fine on the slicer without falling apart.
Cold smoke at 20-25 degrees, pause for 1 hour and then smoke again. follow your oven's instructions.