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Strawberry vinegar

With the ISIā„¢ Syphon and Rapid Infusion it is very fast. Without it takes a few days for the vinegar to absorb the strawberry flavor.

Strawberry vinegar DIY

300g red wine vinegar
150g strawberries

Cut the strawberries and put them in the syphon with the vinegar. Screw on a cream cap, shake 5x and let the vinegar sit for 2 hours. Then release the gas and filter if you like. I leave the vinegar in the syphon overnight though, because the longer, the more intense the flavor.

Carefully release some of the gas (liquid will eventually arrive at the top) and hold the syphon over a coffee filter. Once the gas is out, open the bottle and pour the pomace into the filter. When it stops dripping, you can pour the vinegar into a bottle.

Without a syphon, put strawberries in vinegar, refrigerate for a few days, filter and ready to go.