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Green asparagus salad with bacon

The green asparagus goes well with a fruity vinaigrette, here with strawberry vinegar.

Add a little bacon, cherry tomatoes, fresh lettuce and a few chalots.


Green asparagus salad


1kg green asparagus
1 tablespoon butter
1 squeeze lemon

250g cherry tomatoes
1 green salad of your choice
herbs to taste (parsley, chives, wild garlic or others)


4-6 tbsp fig vinegar
8-12 tbsp canola oil
1/2 tsp mustard
2 tsp honey (more to taste)
1 chalotte
salt, pepper

Peel the bottom ends from the asparagus, cut the spears in half and cut into bite-sized pieces. Sauté the asparagus in clarified butter for 5 minutes. Stir from time to time. Add a little water, put the lid on and cook for another 3 minutes. The green asparagus should still be firm to the bite.

Stir the vinaigrette and taste it. Chop the tomatoes and chop the chalotte and add both to the vinaigrette. Chop the herbs and stir them in as well.

Cut the bacon, put it in a pan without fat and fry it.

Serve with delicious bread.